Wednesday, October 24, 2012

catch up or catch DOWN

Yolo SO like usual it has been quite some time...surprise surprise. SO first things first:::I did some things with my laptop...naughty naughty that its almost sexxxual. It involves the screen...if ya know what I'm sayin...giggity giggity. I took the screen completely off! My laptop is now just a 'lap'. There is no screen, oh no the horror! I had a broken hinge and I was just not going to fix it...dunno why but oh well. piima. Using an hdmi cord, my 40 inch tv is now my screen for my 'lap'. Great efffing idea huh? It is. I never used my laptop anyways, it was always a desktop. So when I got this idea I almost came. to my senses. It is working out pretty well...can you say 40 inch skin flix? I can. Moving on, I've been playing Borderlands 2 like crazy, I cannot get enough of this, its like chocolate flavored urine...mmmhhmmm good. That is all I really wanted to say about that. On another note...I will begin to make some PiiMA shirts. The PiiMA revolution has begun. Join me! PiiMA utnys t s hey random:OH HERE IS A LINK TO THE IRON MAN 3 TRAILER