This is my first blog that I started as a little bit of a hobby. I'm not really sure how will turn out. There will be pointless information and the majority of people won't like it. Thanks. Hey.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hey hey hey
SO as usual, it has been a while. Now I have been up to pretty much nothing. Ive been watching quite a bit of Law and Order SVU, not really by choice but whatever. Speaking of...I watched this show on Netflix called The Guild. This show is about a girl and her guild from an online game. I really liked it, I'm glad I was told about it. I've been working on this picture of Iron Man on my drawing tablet. There is a lot I can do with this thing, its freaking crazy, I love it. Hopefully I don't quit on it like everything else. People need to go buy some shirts! GTG going to play some Batman Arkham City: Game of the Year Edition. Hey
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
So this drawing tablet that i got from monoprice is badass. I haven't really messed with it to much on a serious level, I have just been messing around with different programs. I really like sai. I might just stick with that for now. I have gotten quite a few ideas involving the avengers. I did upload a shirt that involved the hulk. Check it out at RedBubble I really want to do something involving the ironman suit. Just not sure what.
On another note, I picked up Dragons Dogma. I like it, I only have about ab hour into the game. But I already have two pawns and have upgraded some armor. Speaking about armor, Diablo3 has some crazy error already that can lock you out of your account. A game that has been in the works for so many years, and there are problems with it, not even a week after its released. Wow, lol. Someone probably lost their job. hey
Monday, May 14, 2012
Yo, hello everyone that actually reads this...ppl in Germany and Russia. So not much is going on, the Insanity work out is coming along fine. The past couple of days have been recovery stretches/workouts. So its been getting easier.
Max Payne 3 comes out tonight, its looking to be a fun game, especially the multiplayer. I will be attending the midnight release at my local gamestop. Diablo3 comes out tonight, that looks like it will be a great game as well. My computer cant really handle that game, so I will passing it up. I feel like I am wasting this summer vacation...not because of the vidyagames but just in general.
Got a couple of new shirts up on redbubble. REDBUBBLE I just bought a drawing tablet last night, so i'll be able to really make some cool stuff. I am very excited. Hey
oh..ive been rockin the fifa 09 beeches.!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
at it again
so its been a while since I posted anything. But now that school is over, I have time to start the insanity workout again. Today is day 3 and my body is pretty sore. Day one was the worst, I was aching pretty bad. Day 2 was not much better, but today was pretty good. Not so sore and not to tired. So oh yea! Going to tear this up. Looking to check out some games within the next couple of days. Going to check back with some info on them. Along with the fact that I saw the avengers movie. Great stuff. Hey
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