Sunday, December 22, 2013

Butt Cheese...

   SO like has been way too long since I posted something, wow. Lots has happened since I last posted...where to start. I got a new phone! Yea, I'm rocking the Nokia Lumia 1020, crazy phone with a 41 megapixel camera. Great for spying on people. Really digging the windows phone and its operating system. Its so simple and yet so powerful, SO MANY FEATURES...
   I also came across a pair of SOL Republic headphones, they're not bad either. I really want a pair of Audio-Technica over the ear headphones...I would really do some stuff for a pair of those.
    Oh I also got an Xbox ONE, and I really really like it. The kinect functionality is so sick. Not to mention really accurate. I've been playing Forza 5 and FIFA 14. Both are so good...butt cheese.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Is that your diarrhea?

      HeyO, I wanted to say hello. Today was a normal day...I worked, had trail mix(since no one else eats it) and went home. Regular day...but as the day progressed I thought about some random things...mostly random words. SO be before leaving work I was hit with a shot of motivation my butt...Therefore I came up with an idea to put together these random words and make a story. Genius! or just another way to pass the time(fyi, i dont believe in time(fyi I dont believe in believing)). So lets get started, recipe for random story: T-Rex, Porcupine, salad, flowers(yea a guy that thinks about flowers), diarrhea, tornado, high five, tires, and cheese. Let's do this.
      In a place far far away, but not too far. We don't want to get lost during this short story. There once lived a dinosaur (at least we will call him a dinosaur, there were no other creatures like him, but I don't wanna call him a Unicorn) and his name was Scoots. Scoots the dino that could maybe have been a Unicorn. Scoots was a lonely individual, but that's not important. What made Scoots special(other than he was the only one of his kind) is that he had a horrible disease. This disease made him addicted to cravings...cravings for the good stuff. What I mean by the "good stuff" I'm talking about high fives!
      Although Scoots could not control his craving for high fives, he still lived a normal life. Since I don't have a name for his disease, we will call his disease; Diarrhea. So Scoots, the lonely dino with his crazy case of diarrhea...perfect. In this place that Scoots lived in, high fives were always great(even if they were coming from a depressed dino that maybe could have been a unicorn). Scoots would meet other creatures and instantly high five them. They would ask, "What's the occasion for the high five?". He would then reply, "I have diarrhea." Which would lead to another high five, yea!
      New high fives everywhere Scoots went, yay! NO, WRONG! Scoots was really hating the high fives. He was sick of them, he was sick as a fat kid eating salad. One day Scoots was walking along some random place at some random time and he came across a tire. He began talking to the tire, yea Scoots feels comfortable around tires. Scoots started whining about his depression and his diarrhea. After a few hours of talking to this tire, something happened! Oh snap!?!
       "Did you say Diarrhea?!" the tire decided to respond to Scoots whining. The tire had heard of Scoots' disease. Scoots was pleasantly surprised, and slightly aroused.  His craving kicked in and started high fiving the tire, but since the tire had lost his arms in an accident involving a flock of chihuahuas, there would be no high fives. The bad part about this is that if your diarrhea cravings are not met, you may have seizures. So Scoots dropped and had a seizure, he was shaking harder than the truffle shuffle.
       Renal failure would soon kick in if Scoots was not taken care of! Ironically enough, the tire was attracted to seizures. The tire was excited to see a harcore seizure up close that he quickly began to the occasion and grew a massive, thick, veiny, muscular...arm. The tire gave Scoots a massive high five. This quickly stopped the seizure and renal failure was avoided. The tire went on to tell Scoots that there was a cure for his diarrhea.
       Enrique, which was name of the life saving tire, told Scoots that he had to find the tornado of porcupines. In the center of this tornado there would be a piece of the worlds best and purest cheese. If Scoots ate this cheese, he would be cured of his special diarrhea. There was one warning though, the piece of cheese would have to be replaced with another object. No worries though, Scoots had a plan.
        After receiving specific directions on how to find the tornado of porcupines, Scoots began his trip to find his cure. He traveled for a few weeks, high fiving any creature that he came across. Enrique told Scoots that the tornado of porcupines would be atop a mountain made of jelly beans and retired christmas trees. Scoots reached the foot of the mountain and slowly began to climb cure his curse of a  disease....To be continued. Jus sayin. Chinchilla.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Destroy the Sentinel and be Happy

    So like usual it has been a little bit since I have posted, but here we are. CHINCHILLA! I just got a new computer, yay! It's an all in one computer! It's running Windows 8 Pro and I am slowly getting use to it. I like it though, it feels just like the Surface RT that I was messing around with a little bit ago. BUT since I got this computer I have posted up two new shirts.
     The first shirt was actually half me and half seven year old. This child started drawing a very sad Squidward from Spongebob. When she was done with the face, a light bulb exploded in my head! The picture was so creepy, I loved it. It just needed something else...happiness. Here is the link for the Happiness shirt. Happiness Shirt
      The second shirt, which I just did last night was inspired by the X-Men. I saw some pics of what the Sentinels will look like in the next X-Men movie. So it got me thinking about stencils for some reason. So Sentinel stencil was the perfect idea. The Sentinels are always destroying stuff, so why not DESTROY....SO this was created...Link for this-->SENTINEL says DESTROY
That's it for now...I have to go take apart a bed frame. Chinchilla

Sentinel says DESTROY

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Your Surface is showing...

    Like usual it has been forever since I have posted anything. I recently came across a pretty "rad" new toy. The Surface RT OMGGGGOMGOMGOMGZZZZ!!! This is a tablet from Microsoft, its running Windows 8 RT(Run Time) and I must say that I am really impressed. Lets start with some of the features.
    It made of VaporMg(which is really tough...and hard lulz) so that makes it pretty durable. I wonder if its tougher than a GameCube...On top of the VaporMg it has a built in kick stand(insert omg "!O!" face here). Tablet with kickstand, the first time I saw this I think I peed a little. I have pics of the puddle to prove it. Moving on...there is a universal serial bus port on this baby! Yessss a USB port on a tablet. Although more tablets are having the USB ports, this is still pretty cool compared to other popular tablets. If it matters to ya, its usb 2.0. It also has a micro hdmi port, I won't really be using this to often since I will be using the Smartglass app instead. It is still cool to have though! Uh! I also really liked that it has a 10.6in screen, it really works great with widescreen movies and really makes them true 16:9 At this point I would like to point out that I am listening to Ruff Riders Anthem by DMX. Next on the list of features on the Surface tablet, it has a microSD card slot too.  I'll would probably utilize that by adding another 32 gigs of storage. Something else I really liked about it was the keyboard. There are two types of keyboards, the touch keyboard and the type keyboard. One is a pressure sensitive keyboard and the other is a thin mechanical keyboard. I like them both but personally prefer the type keyboard. Both also serve as a cover for the screen of the tablet. So that's it for now. I could go into other awesome features, but I'm not going to. EXCEPT for the fact that the Surface RT has Office already installed on it. This was really cool, don't have to pay for office.
    I also really like Windows 8, which really surprises me. I really liked Win 7 and thought that I would never like 8. After messing around with Win 8, I got use to it and like how simple it is. We'll save that for later though.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

would you look at that?

so it has been a really long time since i posted. i got a new job and have been working a lot. which im not complaining, money is always good. so e3 is coming up...kinda excited to see what to be shown this time around. i know im getting an xbox one for sure. really excited to see some smash bros. finally a reason to play my wiiU. i know there are some good games for it, but nothng that really interests me or that i havent played before.
just finshed watching hercules, the animate movie from disney. man this movie i freakin good. i remember watching the tv show. good times. you ever fart on someone without them knowing? just a random question. i had an elevator story to insert here, but just lost the motivation. eh. taco crawl yo

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Update here

Yo ho ho

Like usual, it has been a while. I have been a little busy but hopefully by the end of the day today, I will be free for the summer. I think I have gotten fatter, which means life is getting better. I have been debating and thinking about starting another blog/page. It would only consist of shirts. I could write a little about how I made it, post a link and maybe that would be cool. Would it be cool? I wish I was a cool hipster that knew what cool was. I am in dire need of some...Chinese food. I'll have to post up about my people and our obsession with china food. and Taco trucks. I had a party the other day, interesting enough I wanted to leave after a half hour. Is that weird? Wanting to leave your own party...Got a hair cut, its different. I don't like it. The fear of change is great within me, like other things. Lulz.. So since the last time I posted on here I did make a few shirts here:



Friday, April 12, 2013

The wAlking DeAd FINALeeee!

So this is really really late BUT I wanted to talk about the season 3 Walking Dead finale. I'm mostly going to comment on the major things that happened.

SO first things first, the episode was a disappointment. I was expecting a little a battle or some type of war. I did like the fact that the Governor had a mini army ready to beat some ass at the prison. I really believed that the group had gotten scared and ran away. I was surprised to see them set up an ambush. I was also surprised to see how easy the governor's posse gave up. At this point is where I think people were expecting more.

Man was he pissed at his boys and few gals, for chickening out. Now when he started shooting at his own people, that is when it got good. Then the two remaining goons didn't know what to do. Looked like they had crapped themselves. It was interesting to see the Governor wipe out his own men.

Then it was good to see Andrea die! OMG she needed to die a long time ago. I could not stand that she had access to the town and the prison, and did not take advantage of it. She should have killed the Governor in his sleep. But she got what she deserved for being such an idiot.

Milton...well he died. He finally started doing the right thing. Then he died, lulz. He stood up to the Governor, and he died. Stabbed actually, eh he deserved it. I felt like he was some type of weasel. I was just happy to see Andrea die.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

what did you say about china food...?

So once again I find myself posting up, not like its a bad thing. I want to talk about I freaking love food. I am always craving Chinese food. Nothing better than some freaking sesame chicken with some chicken fried rice and an egg roll on the side. Which Chinese food got me thinking about happiness. Then happiness got me thinking about kids(creepy). Kids enjoy so many things, they enjoy them so much that it freaks me out. I cant remember the last time I felt so happy towards something. I've seen my kids go completely nuts over bubbles, BUBBLES man! I get more depressed just thinking about it. For example, I love video games. Or I thought I loved video games. I used to be able to play til 4 in the morning, good times. Nowadays I can barely play for a half hour without passing out. I honestly cannot remember the last time I truly enjoyed something. I cant think of something I would enjoy so much. I used to enjoy drawing, nowadays I can't get a decent idea for a drawing. Man do I miss the old days.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Lets Talk Beaches...

So like usual, it has been a since I posted up. I am going to talk about some shows. First lets start out with POKEMON. Now I haven't watched pokemon in a while, but I know Team Rocket is still around. Now team rocket consists of two people and their pokemon, along with a talking Meowth. So these three are the protagonists of each episode(most of the time). They are always trying to steal Pikachu and making a mess of things. NOW, I hated(and still do) this group of retards. For some reason they just pissed me off so bad, I believe in if you fail at something, try again. But come on, this show has been going on for over a decade. Just give up team rocket, leave the freaking kids and their pokemon alone, let some other group of useless middle age fux chase them around for once. You have a talking cat, who cares about a damn electric rat. ridonkulus... I know I said I was going to talk about some shows, well I changed my mind. You're an adult, only pokemon today.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lena's Story

Now this post I sat down with a 7 year old and told her to tell me a story. This is her story... There was a cowgirl, or she thought that she was a cowgirl. She had everything to be a cowgirl, even the hat. The other kids were real cowboys and cowgirls. She raced the others on her horse, and she won. The horse didn't have lasers. This made her a real cowgirl. She really likes catching cows with ropes. She once caught a cow in the desert. The cow had crazy milk powers. The milk gave people more sugar, this made them run fast and never stop. At least until they became old and died. The cowgirl lived in the desert, she lived by herself. She did live with he cow though. This was a smart cow, which is not the same cow that had the crazy milk powers. The cowgirl loved being in the desert with her cow, she found a puppy in the desert. The puppy was yellow and white and the dog had a smart phone. They lived together and the end.

Walking Dead Season 3(kinda)

SO I just finished the walking dead mid season finally...I have to say that I was very impressed. The guys behind the show really know what they're doing. Hell, they got me to watch all the episodes up to season 3 in a matter of days. Some of my friends were telling me that I have an addiction....What do they know. I am addicted though, cannot wait till February. My goal is to find someone to watch the season premier with. Right now I don't really have anyone to talk to about the show, which really blows. I should also look into if I even get wouldn't that suck.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Somethings that well...somethings

First things first, I started watching The Walking Dead. WOW I made a lot of fun about this show and never really gave it a chance. This is really a good show. I am shocked at how much I can't get away from this show. Even as I type this, I am watching the 18 Miles Out episode(Season 2). This show has been on Netflix for a little bit now. I started with watching the first episode, I finished it and was like, "Eh...not bad." After about a week or two, and hearing more about this show from people at work. I decided to give it another shot. So now I am watching episode after episode, fearing that it will end. Now I'm going to give some opinions on some of the characters. Rick - Badass with a lot of problems, one of em being he is way to kind. Shane - He has his head in the right place, but is very hot headed. I also heard that he dies, so oh well. Lori - Too skinny, needs to eat more. T-Dog - How stereotypical, that the only real black character is named T-Dog. C'mon...but oh well. lulz Carl - Kinda hope he gets bitten for some reason. Dale - He's a nice old guy, that obviously does not know how to button up his shirt. He seems more like a babysitter. he should get bitten too and learn to shave. Andrea - Needs to die, she seems to be more like Shane by the episode. Glen - Love this guy, he's the asian guy. He does everything, and he's banging the cow girl. He needs a katana, hell everyone could use a sweet sharp katana. Now I know there are more characters in the show but oh well. Don't have much of an opinion on them so far. So on another note, I think I want to start another blog, only this blog will contain the shirts that I have made. Most of the shirts suck but at least I'll have them all together. Although has them all together too. But we will see...