Yo. Rain sucks. I'm very hungry, and just got some money.
The cash is not mine,
it belongs to the one I never call honey.
i'll probably stay home all day.
Its really cold out and Im feelin kinda gay.
Oh man I really miss the fall,
I really don't like the snow, it hurts my ball.
Yea I only have one, and its not too bad.
I'm talking about the chest hair that belongs to my dad.
This post makes no sense at all,
I don't think anyone reads this shit anyways.
I have nothing to rhyme so lawl lawl lawl.
Today really sucked, my teacher is so old and has no clue.
I can't stand his class, its pointless retarded and a waste of gas.
I sat there in my chair today, bored and hungry with nothing to say.
I whipped it out, when no one was looking and started to play with it.
Class was much better now, although everyone could hear my computer go click click click.
After a while I started watching Back to the Future,
Guy next to had never seen it, he was getting to close.
Lucky for me I'm a smoocher.
This is my first blog that I started as a little bit of a hobby. I'm not really sure how will turn out. There will be pointless information and the majority of people won't like it. Thanks. Hey.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
crying babies,
skyward sword,
Saturday, November 26, 2011
So its late. Just finished watching Thundercats. It was a good finale to the first season. I think I might like this new version of Thundercats more than the old 80's one. Tigra and Cheetara....kinda saw it coming, he deserved something to go right for him. Panthro loosing his arms,..holy testicle tuesday! Didn't see that coming at all, he'll probably get some Robocop arms or something like Jax(i think that's what I'm thinking of) from Mortal Kombat. Work was okay today, another weekend at job #2. We'll call this place the Rejection Station of Self Motivation. The job pays good but I'm thinking of leaving it...not sure though. I need to go to bed, and do my homework. I haven't had time kinda. When I got home the movie Knocked Up was on. I watched it for maybe a half hour. I don't think I like it. I want to see Immortals, that movie looks super sweet and quite entertaining. Had a chance to work a short shift at the Slippery Nipple today. Had to turn it down, I wonder what it's like without me there sometimes. I'm sure the Slippery Nipple gets the attention it deserves from the rest of the people working there. Probably gets more than enough attention from the Horny tree stump. Oh Horny Tree Stump, you crazy piece of horny wood stump. Wouldn't burning that wood...I think I'm getting sick, which sucks about as much ass as Internet Explorer 9. ZINNNGGGG! That's probably only funny to few people. Tomorrow should be a good day, or at least I hope it will be. I want to do something really cool with this "Pointless Blog" but have no idea what I could do. I'm also starting to notice that a lot of people think I'm always sad, mostly people at work. I walk in and everyone asks, "Why so sad?" WTF no one said I was sad. I guess its cool that they kinda care, but I don't know it's starting to bother me. Lick You Luis I'm not sad man. More pissed than anything else, stop letting that dumb anorexic bitch run you like a treadmill dude. I doubt he'll ever read this, probably since he doesn't speak the english all that great. He's a great guy and crazy worker, but stupid when comes down to that bitch. I'm sure she's nailing just about everybody. She's like a sex hammer, just bangin and bangin. Oh well, what ever gives him the illusion of happiness. Why the hell did I pick the name Mr. Cuddles, man that is so Carroting retarded. I don't remember the last time I cuddled with anyone, or any thing. Oh well its like smelly balls, once you got em, you can't bear to let them go. Hey
Thursday, November 24, 2011
So world, today was thanksgiving. I pretty much saw all of my family, its sucked. I dont know why, but the more time I spend with my family, to depressed I get. There is nothing wrong with them, they're all nice but spending time with them just eats away at my sack. I went to two dinners, and I barely ate. Ive recently noticed that I have lost all motivation to do anything. I don't even get the motivation to give mini Mr. Cuddles the beating that it properly deserves. Is there something wrong with me? Am I sick? Is one my sack boys bigger than the other?, or is that normal. thank you blog for being here so I can type away until my eyes burn because this screen is too white. I am falling asleep, I need to be at work at 5 in the morning tomorrow, and I close at my second job. No time for anything tomorrow, and even if I did have time would I have the motivation to do anything. I NEED MOTIVATION. sometimes i get motivated to do something great, but almost instantly lose the motivation. Im surprised that I'm typing this, I didnt think I was going to have the motivation to type this today. Hey
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Cuddle 5
Today is the freaking 20th of November and that means ZELDA yea beaches! I got Zelda. Got the wiimote bundle with the collectors edition strat guide!!!Oh and by the way peanut butter and jelly WITH KIT KAT sandwich is amazing. Pics coming soon. Hey
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This is the same picture only from the back. Not an easy pic to take. |
crying babies,
skyward sword,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Today I will be doing something a little different. I Don't really have much to say so I'm going to show some pictures. Out of the pictures I will describe a situation and relate it to the picture...lets roll like a fat guy down a steep painful hill.
So this is my post for tonight, let me know what you think. Hey.
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In this picture the situation is....that both these guys shave their legs. Other than that, everything is normal. |
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This is the face you make after you find out that the pretty girl you brought home last night is actually married.....and your brother....awkward...married. |
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This isn't really a situation, it just really bothers me...he's not wearing shoes. Someone give him some shoes, he looks really sad.(This is in no way related to Pointy Lolly Pop) |
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This is just a picture of some really nice balls. Man Tommy Dakar really knows how to capture some nice balls. |
So this is my post for tonight, let me know what you think. Hey.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Hey people just looked at my stats for this blog and found out that 2 people from Russia have looked at my blog. I was totally pumped when I saw this, as a tribute I'm going to write a sentence in russian just incase they happen to come back....Огонь в моих штанах умер, и яичко боли больше нет. Well now that is out of my system. I also saw that one person from Germany saw my blog too! Holy cuddling testicles! I'm goign to write the same line for Germany too...Das Feuer in meine Hose ist gestorben, und die Hoden Schmerzen nicht mehr da ist. I love Rammstein just so ya know, they are a great band.
So got the new Halo CE Anniversary yesterday. I played it to about 4 in the morning, more like I passed out and slept in my chair till about 4, the story is really sweet. It plays just like the original, it almost makes me mad. Then I get second thoughts about getting the game. Although all I really did was trade in my Batman Arkham City for it. MAN I miss that game, I didn't even get to finish it. For those that know about this game, you can find a pregnancy test in the game. It belongs to Harley. AAAANNNDDD its positive. The joker is going to have a kid. How messed up is that going to be. Really wish I would've finished the game. SO now Im sitting here typing away and I have nothing to type about....I skipped my class today and got some sleep. Not really feeling it today, dont know whats wrong. I had some taco bell, now I think I gotta poop...eh Ill do that tomorrow. NOW what to do now....I think I'm going to try to play some Halo again. My significant other is watching friends I think the curiosity about this blog is finally getting to him/her and really wants to know what Im typing so much about. For privacy reasons we will call him/her Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby is starting to fall asleep, Im going to try to pick Bill Cosby's nose and see what happens...brb...not good results. i think Bill Cosby is mad, or just tired, or has low blood sugar.
So at work today, I got to work with one of the new girls. Im not really sure what her name is, but Im just going to call her the Striped Girl that didn't believe in stripes. So i'm working doing my job and out of nowhere she starts talking about videogames to me. I think I almost pooped myself. That would've been funny. I don't recall any memories of me pooping myself, so I guess I don't really know if it would really be funny. So that was pretty much the only thing I have to say about the Striped Girl that didn't believe in stripes. OMFG I hate Ross from friends. The character is so freaking sissy like. He complains and whines like a bitch. Im sure he's gay deep down under all that sissyness. Bill Cosby is snoring. He/She doesn't believe that he/she snores. Man I have nothing to type about......Hey.
So got the new Halo CE Anniversary yesterday. I played it to about 4 in the morning, more like I passed out and slept in my chair till about 4, the story is really sweet. It plays just like the original, it almost makes me mad. Then I get second thoughts about getting the game. Although all I really did was trade in my Batman Arkham City for it. MAN I miss that game, I didn't even get to finish it. For those that know about this game, you can find a pregnancy test in the game. It belongs to Harley. AAAANNNDDD its positive. The joker is going to have a kid. How messed up is that going to be. Really wish I would've finished the game. SO now Im sitting here typing away and I have nothing to type about....I skipped my class today and got some sleep. Not really feeling it today, dont know whats wrong. I had some taco bell, now I think I gotta poop...eh Ill do that tomorrow. NOW what to do now....I think I'm going to try to play some Halo again. My significant other is watching friends I think the curiosity about this blog is finally getting to him/her and really wants to know what Im typing so much about. For privacy reasons we will call him/her Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby is starting to fall asleep, Im going to try to pick Bill Cosby's nose and see what happens...brb...not good results. i think Bill Cosby is mad, or just tired, or has low blood sugar.
So at work today, I got to work with one of the new girls. Im not really sure what her name is, but Im just going to call her the Striped Girl that didn't believe in stripes. So i'm working doing my job and out of nowhere she starts talking about videogames to me. I think I almost pooped myself. That would've been funny. I don't recall any memories of me pooping myself, so I guess I don't really know if it would really be funny. So that was pretty much the only thing I have to say about the Striped Girl that didn't believe in stripes. OMFG I hate Ross from friends. The character is so freaking sissy like. He complains and whines like a bitch. Im sure he's gay deep down under all that sissyness. Bill Cosby is snoring. He/She doesn't believe that he/she snores. Man I have nothing to type about......Hey.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
So this is my second post. Today I will start with....There are oxen in my bed and in the wonderlands, you too can poop on unicorns. Now that that is all out my system...what to say...I wanted to post something yesterday but just couldn't get around to it. Yesterday morning I worked at a previous job that I am kinda on call but not really employed there...ya that's how Mr. Cuddles like to roll.
So last time I worked at this job(restaurant that shall remain nameless for the sole reason that I think needs a new name, so now I guess I will give it a name....The Slipper Nipple...?...sure) was about two weeks ago. Which is okay because this job can be very depressing, especially after numerous years. Mr. Cuddles has bills to pay though, can't just cuddle and snuggle for free ya know. Pillow pets=pets that are pillows. Yea I threw that in there. So I show up at The Slippery Nipple bright and early, brightness made up of my sadness and despair. Not to mention the sun was not out yet either..damn you sun. But it is okay, I don't really enjoy the sunlight, this doesn't mean that I'm a night person. I don't enjoy the night either...can't see anything...and cuddling in the dark is not easy...SO I go to the back door, since The Slippery Nipple didn't open for another 3 hours. So I start pounding on the cold and ugly door with hopes that someone is inside already and will let me into the poo hole I once called my occupational career. After a few seconds, someone had heard my pounding and came to let me in. I was surprised that I was heard, I was not pounding with my good pounding hand. It was pretty sore from the night before. I was pounding away like an angry flock of koala bears at my you know......you know.....my nice very clean and dust free pair of....bongos. I was playing that bongo donkey kong game for the gamecube that nobody really played. BACK TO THE STORY, the story of my hardcore pounding can wait for another time.
So the door opens and I see one my favorite work associates, for privacy reasons I will call this beautiful person....HornyTreeStump. HorneyTreeStump is a great person, she's great to talk to. Plus I'm pretty sure she has been around the block more than a few times,...she goes to the gas station down the street all the time. So the door opens and there is HornyTreeStump. I was glad to see her, but didn't tell her that because I didn't want things to get weird, I think her stump grows wet branches when I'm around...if ya know what I'm saying. So I go and clock into the so called "register", I'm pretty sure my phone has more processing power than those pieces of poo that are so important to the purpose of The Slippery Nipple, but what ever keeps The Slippery Nipple open and happy, more money in Mr. Cuddles' pocket, which means more things to buy and cuddle. Next I notice that there is a grill technician there taking apart our grill, or as I liked to call her...Esmeralda. For privacy purposes, I will call the technician Mr. Quiet Mustard Mustache Man. This was a problem, I was suppose to clean the grill this morning, I had promised another employee that I would, and now I was going to break this promise which would result in more sadness. Then cuddling becomes very hard for Mr. Cuddles. The employee of which I speak is also a very good friend, we'll call him Pointy Lolly Pop. So I continued the shift with my other responsibilities, preparing The Slippery Nipple for action. As the morning progressed HornyTreeStump and I talked about the usual stuff: my life, her sex life, her kids, more of her sex life, and how she needs to stop smoking. She had been out of town recently and was telling my about how the people on the plane were so attractive and she wanted to do things that involved dirty kitchen utensils and slightly used baby diapers. Now this didn't really seem appealing to Mr. Cuddles but what ever keeps the HornyTreeStump going I guess...WOW my neighbor has a visitor, Its freaking almost midnight, he has not had a visitor over since he caught his girl cheating on him and kicked her out, that was an entertaining couple of days. So at work it was almost time for the boss to come in, we'll call her The Gentle Water Buffalo, she's is one the best bosses I've had in all of my cuddling career. She doesn't trust anyone and loves to work, I dont know much about her personal life, but I did hear a long time ago that there was a rumor about a time she banged another employee that really knew how to bang those that are bangable and like to keep secrets about the banging bangs that they have. But we'll probably never know.
So Mr. Quiet Mustard Mustache Man was just about done with the repairs and was well in his way out. Around this time I started to tell HornyTreeStump about a blog project that I was starting at school at CMU(CuddlesMuchUniversity) lol. Then I read a small passage from my first blog post ever, and she seemed to enjoy it. Which then gave the motivation to continue this blog of mine, soon after though I lost the motivation to continue....I think I should see someone who thinks they can help me about my possible motivation issues. I sure hope no one really reads these posts. I will probably post all my feelings and emotions during this blog experiment, I might even cry. I haven't done that in....maybe going on 11years.
I am going to conclude this post very soon, since I am very tired and hungry. I'll just wrap up the rest of my day....I said no to my boss at my real job for the first time, I became a little more unhappy about how I feel about myself, and I played some Batman Arkham City, man that game is so freaking sweet. By the way I hear that Joker dies at the end of it. I didn't see that coming. O well I still need to finish the game, although I traded in today. This was my day opening the Slippery Nipple with a HornyTreeStump, Br Quiet Mustard Mustache Man, and the Gentle Water Buffalo while breaking a promise to the Pointy Lolly Pop. O well, thanks for reading dont forget to cuddle and pretend to be happy to make others around you feel jealous of your false happiness. Poop on those unicorns. Hey
So last time I worked at this job(restaurant that shall remain nameless for the sole reason that I think needs a new name, so now I guess I will give it a name....The Slipper Nipple...?...sure) was about two weeks ago. Which is okay because this job can be very depressing, especially after numerous years. Mr. Cuddles has bills to pay though, can't just cuddle and snuggle for free ya know. Pillow pets=pets that are pillows. Yea I threw that in there. So I show up at The Slippery Nipple bright and early, brightness made up of my sadness and despair. Not to mention the sun was not out yet either..damn you sun. But it is okay, I don't really enjoy the sunlight, this doesn't mean that I'm a night person. I don't enjoy the night either...can't see anything...and cuddling in the dark is not easy...SO I go to the back door, since The Slippery Nipple didn't open for another 3 hours. So I start pounding on the cold and ugly door with hopes that someone is inside already and will let me into the poo hole I once called my occupational career. After a few seconds, someone had heard my pounding and came to let me in. I was surprised that I was heard, I was not pounding with my good pounding hand. It was pretty sore from the night before. I was pounding away like an angry flock of koala bears at my you know......you know.....my nice very clean and dust free pair of....bongos. I was playing that bongo donkey kong game for the gamecube that nobody really played. BACK TO THE STORY, the story of my hardcore pounding can wait for another time.
So the door opens and I see one my favorite work associates, for privacy reasons I will call this beautiful person....HornyTreeStump. HorneyTreeStump is a great person, she's great to talk to. Plus I'm pretty sure she has been around the block more than a few times,...she goes to the gas station down the street all the time. So the door opens and there is HornyTreeStump. I was glad to see her, but didn't tell her that because I didn't want things to get weird, I think her stump grows wet branches when I'm around...if ya know what I'm saying. So I go and clock into the so called "register", I'm pretty sure my phone has more processing power than those pieces of poo that are so important to the purpose of The Slippery Nipple, but what ever keeps The Slippery Nipple open and happy, more money in Mr. Cuddles' pocket, which means more things to buy and cuddle. Next I notice that there is a grill technician there taking apart our grill, or as I liked to call her...Esmeralda. For privacy purposes, I will call the technician Mr. Quiet Mustard Mustache Man. This was a problem, I was suppose to clean the grill this morning, I had promised another employee that I would, and now I was going to break this promise which would result in more sadness. Then cuddling becomes very hard for Mr. Cuddles. The employee of which I speak is also a very good friend, we'll call him Pointy Lolly Pop. So I continued the shift with my other responsibilities, preparing The Slippery Nipple for action. As the morning progressed HornyTreeStump and I talked about the usual stuff: my life, her sex life, her kids, more of her sex life, and how she needs to stop smoking. She had been out of town recently and was telling my about how the people on the plane were so attractive and she wanted to do things that involved dirty kitchen utensils and slightly used baby diapers. Now this didn't really seem appealing to Mr. Cuddles but what ever keeps the HornyTreeStump going I guess...WOW my neighbor has a visitor, Its freaking almost midnight, he has not had a visitor over since he caught his girl cheating on him and kicked her out, that was an entertaining couple of days. So at work it was almost time for the boss to come in, we'll call her The Gentle Water Buffalo, she's is one the best bosses I've had in all of my cuddling career. She doesn't trust anyone and loves to work, I dont know much about her personal life, but I did hear a long time ago that there was a rumor about a time she banged another employee that really knew how to bang those that are bangable and like to keep secrets about the banging bangs that they have. But we'll probably never know.
So Mr. Quiet Mustard Mustache Man was just about done with the repairs and was well in his way out. Around this time I started to tell HornyTreeStump about a blog project that I was starting at school at CMU(CuddlesMuchUniversity) lol. Then I read a small passage from my first blog post ever, and she seemed to enjoy it. Which then gave the motivation to continue this blog of mine, soon after though I lost the motivation to continue....I think I should see someone who thinks they can help me about my possible motivation issues. I sure hope no one really reads these posts. I will probably post all my feelings and emotions during this blog experiment, I might even cry. I haven't done that in....maybe going on 11years.
I am going to conclude this post very soon, since I am very tired and hungry. I'll just wrap up the rest of my day....I said no to my boss at my real job for the first time, I became a little more unhappy about how I feel about myself, and I played some Batman Arkham City, man that game is so freaking sweet. By the way I hear that Joker dies at the end of it. I didn't see that coming. O well I still need to finish the game, although I traded in today. This was my day opening the Slippery Nipple with a HornyTreeStump, Br Quiet Mustard Mustache Man, and the Gentle Water Buffalo while breaking a promise to the Pointy Lolly Pop. O well, thanks for reading dont forget to cuddle and pretend to be happy to make others around you feel jealous of your false happiness. Poop on those unicorns. Hey
Thursday, November 10, 2011
This is my first blog. I want attention so i decided to just start typing and see where this leads. Im in class right now, my teacher is talking away about stuff and i dont give a flying candy bar about what he's saying. For now we will call him Mr. DirtyLampPost. One of my partners of my group just left the class room. I think he's into me or something, or always trying to get im my pants. lucky me im wearing shorts. O great he's back and going to start reading this, bastard. He just put some chap stick on, it smells really good, asshole. I wish my chap stick smelled this good. Now we're going to start talking about the chapter,.......ajfsf;lejanf.sdfnba;...lame. Its completely useless and a waste of time and paper, I love to cuddle with trees. Damn it Mr. DirtyLampPost, quit looking over here. More stories about his past, its like horrible reruns. Same stories over and over again. Theres a couple chicks in here that i wouldnt mind taking out and you know.....tie their shoes. So slopppy. Bitches. I feel a little better about the way Im feeling now. Partner over here is so excited about getting his haircut. Im happy for him and i hope he gets the cut he wants. He looks kinda tired, BJAY needed there. Not going to spell check, this blog thing might turn interesting. Cheeeeck back.Hey.
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