This is my first blog that I started as a little bit of a hobby. I'm not really sure how will turn out. There will be pointless information and the majority of people won't like it. Thanks. Hey.

Saturday, December 31, 2011
So I started my next shirt. I'm very excited about this one. It is about 8-10% percent done. I am hoping to finish it as soon as possible. Until then, go buy my first shirt. ----> Oh.Snap Hey
mr cuddles,
Friday, December 30, 2011
NOw with my busy work schedule and just life itself, I have been to busy to update on here. I finally got a second and here we are. I have a couple of new shirt ideas. I for some reason really want this shirt thing to take off. Must be my undying love for money. It is my purpose in life; to make some freaking money!!!I think that's why I like scams too. The hamster from Bolt is the shit. I wish the entire human race were giant hamsters that rolled around in giant balls. Hey
mr cuddles,
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
so Ive been having some trouble with the shirt design that I uploaded the other day. I'm going to edit it a little and then also properly set up a link(like my twitter). Ive been really busy lately and have not been able to update this blog or the twitter. Nobody reads this mango anyways. Today I was driving down the street and suddenly had the strongest urge to rem the car ahead of me. They didn't do anything wrong, I just really wanted to floor it and ram the living f*ck out of the guy in front of me. Another weird thing that happens to me A LOT, if I'm driving down the freeway/expressway, I often think about what it would be like to just make a hard right and have my car flip over the wall. OR when a big semi truck is driving by me, the thought of ramming into one of its tires and causing it to flip over. Normally I keep this to myself, but whatever. All it takes is a brief instant to just end it all, to anyone who ever commits suicide(which I don't recommend for legal reasons) you have to go out in style. Make is sweet, not just jump off a building or bullet to the head. Do something involving fire, dolphins, and drum sticks...just sayin.
anus plus sugar.
i wish that opposite day,
was tomorrow. sock.
haiku for the day right there^ it came out of nowhere, I had to get it out of my system. Goodnight you pricks. Hey
anus plus sugar.
i wish that opposite day,
was tomorrow. sock.
haiku for the day right there^ it came out of nowhere, I had to get it out of my system. Goodnight you pricks. Hey
Friday, December 23, 2011
SO I joined It's an art site that sells shirts, hoodies, stickers, and wall art. I made my first shirt. Its really nothing special, just a simple drawing. Check it out and let me know what you think. Hey The link is
So I have a little bit of time off school. Very excited, came across someone that really inspired me to look through some old art work and maybe work on some t-shirts. I think this could really be something cool. I have a few ideas and have been bouncing some ideas off a friend of mine. We can call him El Frijol. Look it up to find out what it means. Today was kind of a productive day. I am really tired and my right eye feels like its on fire. A fire so strong that it burns, but it burns so bad that you don't feel it. Yea, that kind of burning. Back when I was in middle school, a teacher of mine taught me about the type of poetry that you spell a word vertically, and each word means some type of word or sentence. I will show a small example, using the word; K K K
Yea I went there. Hey by the way if anyone hsa any ideas on some t-shirts, let me know. Hey
Yea I went there. Hey by the way if anyone hsa any ideas on some t-shirts, let me know. Hey
Monday, December 19, 2011
So my grades for the semester have been posted, I did okay I guess. My overall gpa went down a little bit. But whatever, pointless to worry about it. SO some of the things that Ive been thinking about....saw a new trailer for the kingdom hearts 3d game. Im so lost with the storyline. What the hell? I have no freaking clue about what to even think. Probably never find out either. NEXT heard about a game breaking glitch in the new zelda game a little bit ago. I like the game a lot but just cannot find the time to dedicate to it. I also need something to post about. I want this blog to be interesting and bring many readers, but cannot figure what to write any ideas are more than welcome. What's a good game to play on ps3?? I kinda want a kinect...i really dont like christmas. I dont think I really know why I hate this holiday so much. I like to see people happy, I even like making people happy. But this holiday of cheerfulness and happiness just disgusts me. I never look forward to this holiday. Everyone around me is happy and enjoying the season, but not me. I sit there dreading every cold and snowy moment. Just waiting for someone to come and try to talk to me. Sometimes I think there is...Hey
Friday, December 16, 2011
So I have been pretty busy lately and have not had the chance to post anything lately. I have been adding to my twitter account a little bit. In my last post I mentioned that I had been thinking about some haikus. Now if you didn't look it up like I had suggested, a haiku is a type of poem that normally has 3 lines. The first line contains 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, ans finally the third line has 5. In the little minutes of time that I've had here and there, I tweeted some quick haikus. SO if you dont't follow my twitter, I'm going to post some of the haikus i added on my twitter @MrCCuddles
Big and blue, watch out.
Do not look because you can.
Balls Big Balls.
My computer is,
turning me on and I like,
when your pen is in my butt
Lonely I am.
Horny I will never be,
You make me sick,
Your cookies taste like forehead.
Your mom is fat.
the word "your" is two syllables just so ya know.Hey
Big and blue, watch out.
Do not look because you can.
Balls Big Balls.
My computer is,
turning me on and I like,
when your pen is in my butt
Lonely I am.
Horny I will never be,
You make me sick,
Your cookies taste like forehead.
Your mom is fat.
the word "your" is two syllables just so ya know.Hey
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
So ever since I started this blog I thought it would be cool to do a post on haikus. Or just a post consisting of only haikus. For those of you that do not know what a haiku is...look it up damn it. Just kidding, Mr Cuddles is kidding, joking, playing, lemonning with ya. But seriously look it up. All I'm going to tell you about haikus and what they consist of is...that...Hey
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
So world today was a special day. Today I had someone cabbage me the wrong way. I'm not going to go into detail about what happened. But when you count on people, they will cabbage you hard. They will take their bat of hardcoreness and they will shove it your poop hole so far that you will feel it tickling your cabbaging pointy sharp sensitive nipples. AND its not a good cool tickle, its that irritating painful tickle. Its almost not a damn tickle at all. Something else that pisses me off is freakin glitter. Especially when girls put it on their face or their chest. Holy brunette carpet, I hate people. Forget you people, I love karma and I love when it does its job. Yea you've had a cabbaged up few weeks. But I am glad and hope it gets worse. Ha I love seeing the pain and everything you've worked for fall completely apart. I am thankful for what I have and can't wait to hear what else goes wrong in your life bro. In your face you bitch. I also found a dime, oh yea. I hate my life. Dont forget to check my twitter. @MrCCuddles. DO it damn it. Hey
Monday, December 5, 2011
I dont normally post twice in one day. But look here I am again. Like I said on my twitter; I poop burritos bro. I came up with that earlier. Now I want to talk about pooping, I hope that's ok with everyone. If you can't handle talking about poop then I suggest you please approach the rest of this post with caution, like pooping. You never want to rush into pooping. Pooping is something that needs to be handled with care. If you push to hard and fast, you could hurt your poop hole. Now I must apologize I am very tired, kinda like when you have a good pushin and then you're kinda tired and a little sore, but I am going to get off here and get some rest. Good day ppl. Dont rush dem poops. Hey
Hey everyone(all 4 people that occasionally look at this page) I have joined Twitter! Myspace looked pretty interesting. I'll join myspace when i get more time. IM TELLING YA MYSPACE IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT BIG THING! Have to get on that before everyone else. I dont have anything really up there but check it out. Hey
Sunday, December 4, 2011
SSSOOOOOOOOO this is my 10th post. We should celebrate by running naked through a forest of republican red wood trees. Then these trees would see a parade of naked people then they will continue to judge is because we are parading nakedly. Which brings me to my next point: There should be a porn out there where everyone is naked then they put clothes on. This would greatly influence the porn industry in a new completely different direction. At this current moment in time, there is a cartoon about a trickster that keeps tricking everyone and making himself look good. They're going to trick the trickster by tricking him into believing that he has found out all their tricks and trying to trick him in an obvious tricky way. Guess what? They succeed! Good thing the world is perfect and everything is in balance. I love life. Hey

just a pic of different mustaches
just a pic of different mustaches
Thursday, December 1, 2011
so i just found out that there is going to be a new fucking naruto game. Normally i'm not much of a naruto game player. BUT this time I think I might actually play this one. Its going to include a butt load of characters. The world has known about this game for months now. But like usual Im always last to find out about the cool shit. here is the link for one of the trailers
It looks so freaking sweet. Hey here is the link for one of the trailers
It looks so freaking sweet. Hey
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