This is my first blog that I started as a little bit of a hobby. I'm not really sure how will turn out. There will be pointless information and the majority of people won't like it. Thanks. Hey.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
yoHOho pie
Hey hey hey
Like usual is has been a while, and I have nothing useful to add to this blog...My cousin is coming over tomorrow, yay. THat just means that there will be an awkward silence between her and the rest of my family. Man the lady in NCIS:NY is fugly. My school semester finally ended, just turned in my final project and now will have a couple of weeks to just work.
On A side note, there is not a game coming out that I am really looking forward to. I have Halo and Borderlands2 and that seems to be all I need. I picked up Forza Horizon and kinda play that a little bit. O well so....Hey
borderlands 2,
mr cuddles
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Yo lo...
So just real quick...I just got the Halo4 xbox 360! Im not really excited, I don't really know why I even got it...but oh well. I also got the Limited Edition of Halo 4. Not very excited about that is a crappy picture...
so there you have it...lame huh. I also ended up with two copies of halo 4. One came with the xbox. What should I do with the second one? I need ideas for shirt designs...I have nothing. SO. hey

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
catch up or catch DOWN
SO like usual it has been quite some time...surprise surprise. SO first things first:::I did some things with my laptop...naughty naughty that its almost sexxxual. It involves the screen...if ya know what I'm sayin...giggity giggity.
I took the screen completely off! My laptop is now just a 'lap'. There is no screen, oh no the horror! I had a broken hinge and I was just not going to fix it...dunno why but oh well. piima. Using an hdmi cord, my 40 inch tv is now my screen for my 'lap'. Great efffing idea huh? It is. I never used my laptop anyways, it was always a desktop. So when I got this idea I almost came. to my senses. It is working out pretty well...can you say 40 inch skin flix? I can.
Moving on, I've been playing Borderlands 2 like crazy, I cannot get enough of this, its like chocolate flavored urine...mmmhhmmm good. That is all I really wanted to say about that.
On another note...I will begin to make some PiiMA shirts. The PiiMA revolution has begun. Join me!
t s
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Wii love it! No not really....
Yo, its been sometime since we've met.
Okay, so lots to talk about...kinda. After being disappointed by Nintendo at E3, with the lack of info on the WiiU. They finally released some information. So there will be two different bundles released at launch on November 18th.
The first bundle is going to be 299.99 and will include:
Wii U console(white)
One GamePad controller
8GB memory
HDMI cable
Wii Sensor bar
A/C adapter
The second bundle is going to be 349.99 and will include:
Wii U console(black)
One GamePad controller
HDMI cable
Wii Sensor bar
A/C adapter
32GB memory
Charging cradle and stands for console and controller
Nintendo Land game
Nintendo Network Premium Subscription
I got the black one preordered at Gamestop. As for the games, here is a list that has been confirmed for launch day:
Assassin’s Creed III
Darksiders II
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
ESPN Sports Connection
Game Party Champions
Just Dance 4
New Super Mario Bros. U
Nintendo Land
Rabbids Land
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Sing Party
Tank! Tank! Tank!
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013
I am pretty sure that there will be more, but we will see what happens.
I got all this info @
assassins creed,
darksiders 2,
just dance,
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Xtra Large what>??>?//
Yolo nighas. Back to waste some time. I am still playing Darksiders 2, man this game is long. So much to do that it is freakin crazy. Between Darksiders and Forza 4 I have no time for anything. MAN I am in love with these two games. By the way, need more members in the car club. In case ya don't know, there are car clubs in Forza 4 and our club is pretty lame. If anyone wants to join let me know and we'll see what happens.
Other than that I just got a 3ds XL(blue),probably a waste of time. I traded in my old 3ds for it along with my ds lite. BUT there are no games for the 3ds that interest me. AND that makes me so mad. I have this awesome giant screen and with nothing to play. I have legend of zelda ocarina of time, but eh...bored with it now. I also joined club nintendo. Club Nintendo is a rewards site that Nintendo has. You get coins for buying Nintendo products, and with those points you get free stuff, hell yea. hey
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Yo you there.
It is once again time to come and post a little something about nothing. I have been playing Darksiders2. The game is very good. I didn't play the first one at all. So I decided to read up on what happened in the first. I found a site that explained all that happened in the first one. Soooo I spent close to an hour reading all about the first game. THEN AT THE FREAKIN BOTTOM of the page there was a 15 minute video that explained the story. Funny now, thinking about it in retrospect.
I am really enjoying this game though, Death is willing to do just about anything to clear his brother's name. The game is kinda getting too long though. I am slowly losing interest in it. I play it for hours and it doesn't seem to be coming to an's cool though. Hey
darksiders 2,
xbox 360
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
skYrim skYrim skYrim
SO holy ballz of fire...>>>?
I made one of the biggest mistakes in my videogame career, I started Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim. I first started by watching someone play Skyrim. I never thought I would play it. I figured it wasn't a game for me. BUT WOW WAS I WRONG!
I started with the imperial bc it is about the money. I figured money buys good weapons and armor. This game is almost overwhelming, there is so much you can do. I made into the first town. I believe its Riverwood, well I killed the chicken that walks around the entrance. Then the town flipped out on me. They all wanted to kill me. How was I suppose to meet the sister(forgot her name) when she is trying to kill me. I thought about killing everyone and that way no one would attack me. But instead I decided to just load up a previous save point and avoid the craziness. But that is all for now, it is so tempting to just destroy everyone. But oh well...Hey
Saturday, July 21, 2012
dark knight rises...a lot
Just saw Dark Knight Rises. I must say that Nolan has done a very good job with the trilogy, as expected. The way that Bane slowly became this powerful and ruthless tyrant was just crazy. The mask didn't help me understand some of his lines. Some things were very hard to hear clearly, along with batmans bronchitis voice.
I did not have high hopes with the actress that was picked to be Catwoman, but Anne Hathaway really impressed me. There was a lot of crap talking about her costume but for how the role of catwoman was done, the costume worked pleasantly. I especially liked that when her goggles were pulled up, they looked like cat ears. I thought that was very creative. Overall the part of catwoman was done well.
Christian Bale has portrayed the part of Bruce Wayne/Batman really well. I liked seeing Bruce Wayne as an old man. It really showed his human side. He is the dark knight but still very human and with all the weaknesses of humanity. It was also good to see him get his butt kicked by Bane. Im pretty sure he got punched in the face so hard that his mask was dented and then broken. With the title "The Dark Knight Rises" and the many trailers, it was obvious that he was going to he was going to be defeated.
Morgan Freeman...what is there to say about him..the man is great at everything he does. This movie was not about Batman, it was about Morgan Freeman. He is the true Batman, he makes all the gadgets and vehicles. But that is all the time I have for now. hey
Friday, June 29, 2012
Spiderman GAME
Yo once again. So I recently played The Amazing Spiderman(videogame). The game picks up after the film. About a half hour into the game, you find out that Dr. Connors survives. So you can pretty much guess how the film is going to go. You break him out of prison so he can help you deal with the outbreak of half breed animal experimentations. While fighting robots that are out to kill you. But all that aside, I didn't really like the game.
The swinging was changed dramatically, I wish the web swinging was just like in spiderman 2. The fighting mechanic was not very smooth. Now I had heard that the fighting was going to be similar to batman:aa and batman:ac. In a way it was but just no where near as smooth and fluid. I had high expectations for this game and I was very disappointed. I got rid of the game right away. it hurt to do it but I could not stand playing it any longer. Hey
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
E3 2012
So...once again it has been quite some since I posted anything. E3 just happened and I must say I was anticipating a lot of things...but I was disappointed. Here's a summary.
Microsoft press conference was mostly Kinect related. Bringing kinect compatibility to all major games. Then Usher performed a song...WOW that really pissed me off. E3 is now officially dead to me. I remember when E3 was about videogames. They also introduced the new Smartglass feature; where xboxLive will be pretty much on most electronic devices. That was pretty much the Microsoft press conference, along with a 2 minute demo of halo4.
Nintendo press conference was a giant disappointment in my eyes. I was expecting big news about the WiiU. They did show off the final design for the gamepad(tablet controller) and a new controller(gamepad pro..i think). Other than that they mentioned some games. That is great and all but I wanted to know more about the system. ZombiU? looked very interesting though. I am curious about the batman game. Arkham City: Armored Edition. I just picked up the game of the year edition of arkham city too. Also saw some stuff on pikmin3. I have never played any of the pikmin games.
Sony press conference...nothing really outstanding. God of War and The Last of Us was pretty much it. Other than that I wasn't really interested in anything else. I am curious about playstation battle royale. None of the characters really appeal to me yet. But I'm sure the roster will grow.
Now I know that there was a lot more at e3, but I didn't get around to watching some of that stuff. But there is this forum that summarizes everything pretty well.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hey hey hey
SO as usual, it has been a while. Now I have been up to pretty much nothing. Ive been watching quite a bit of Law and Order SVU, not really by choice but whatever. Speaking of...I watched this show on Netflix called The Guild. This show is about a girl and her guild from an online game. I really liked it, I'm glad I was told about it. I've been working on this picture of Iron Man on my drawing tablet. There is a lot I can do with this thing, its freaking crazy, I love it. Hopefully I don't quit on it like everything else. People need to go buy some shirts! GTG going to play some Batman Arkham City: Game of the Year Edition. Hey
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
So this drawing tablet that i got from monoprice is badass. I haven't really messed with it to much on a serious level, I have just been messing around with different programs. I really like sai. I might just stick with that for now. I have gotten quite a few ideas involving the avengers. I did upload a shirt that involved the hulk. Check it out at RedBubble I really want to do something involving the ironman suit. Just not sure what.
On another note, I picked up Dragons Dogma. I like it, I only have about ab hour into the game. But I already have two pawns and have upgraded some armor. Speaking about armor, Diablo3 has some crazy error already that can lock you out of your account. A game that has been in the works for so many years, and there are problems with it, not even a week after its released. Wow, lol. Someone probably lost their job. hey
Monday, May 14, 2012
Yo, hello everyone that actually reads this...ppl in Germany and Russia. So not much is going on, the Insanity work out is coming along fine. The past couple of days have been recovery stretches/workouts. So its been getting easier.
Max Payne 3 comes out tonight, its looking to be a fun game, especially the multiplayer. I will be attending the midnight release at my local gamestop. Diablo3 comes out tonight, that looks like it will be a great game as well. My computer cant really handle that game, so I will passing it up. I feel like I am wasting this summer vacation...not because of the vidyagames but just in general.
Got a couple of new shirts up on redbubble. REDBUBBLE I just bought a drawing tablet last night, so i'll be able to really make some cool stuff. I am very excited. Hey
oh..ive been rockin the fifa 09 beeches.!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
at it again
so its been a while since I posted anything. But now that school is over, I have time to start the insanity workout again. Today is day 3 and my body is pretty sore. Day one was the worst, I was aching pretty bad. Day 2 was not much better, but today was pretty good. Not so sore and not to tired. So oh yea! Going to tear this up. Looking to check out some games within the next couple of days. Going to check back with some info on them. Along with the fact that I saw the avengers movie. Great stuff. Hey
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Yo now i know its been a really long time since i posted anything. Just have been really busy and yea. School is just about over and I cannot wait. I have so many things i want to do and have no time. I am also getting ready to start back up in the INSANITY work out. I recently started playing the devil may cry hd collection...disappointed. I really thought they would do a much better job, but oh well. Just finished some raisin bran, love that cereal. it gives me the runs. I have no idea on what I am going to wear tomorrow. I have also strayed from the tshirt ideas. They kinda just died. But that is another thing i am excited to work on again. hey
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
StooP KID!!! leave your stoop
Hey long time no post. But now I am here and I am going to post. Got a new washing machine yesterday. There were some complications getting it into my humble abode. But thanks to my good friend Mr. Sancho Clap YO Hands we did it. Ive never talked about Mr. Sancho Clap YO Hands. He is an awesome guy, other than the fact that he has no emotions and can be a little racist. He has never told anyone this but he once had a "special" encounter with another man. He says he was drunk. but I think that he secretly enjoyed going to pound town with some guy. But anyways I got a new shirt up on redbubble it is about stoop kid, from Hey Arnold!. An amazing show from the 90's(i think).
LINK HERE ---->sToopKiD
Monday, March 26, 2012
day whateveR
So I have gotten really busy with work and other stuff going on. Therefore I have not been able to keep up with the INSANITY workouts which is really bad because although my body was sore from just a few workouts, I felt great. I was very confident with INSANITY and I was very excited, but with school and work I either come home way too late or just too tired. I am going to try and start up maybe next week, but not sure.
So MINECRAFT finally has a release date for XBLA very excited. Went and got my preorder at gamestop. New TigerWoods comes out tomorrow, if I had Kinect I might have checked it out, but oh well. Still want to play Tales of Graces F and Armored Core 5. Talked to a guy about AC5 and he really got me excited about it. Possible new multiplayer maps for Uncharted 3...pass. Nothing else on my mind, just finished some homoework, suck it homework you dirty whore. hey
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Now it hurts me to say this, but I have failed. Today(yesterday technically 3/21) I did not do the INSANITY work out. I was very busy and didn't have time to do it. Although I am pretty busy today as well I am very confident that I will be able to do it tonight. I have work early in the morning but gotta make sacrifices. I am still pretty sore and feel like taking a nap. In other news...I guess new content is coming out for Mass Effect 3 that will bring better closure to the trilogy. It's just a game ppl, chill. There is also LittleBigPlanetKarting! Little Big Planet and ModNationRacers are making a game together. This will probably be fun. Other than that nothing else comes to mind.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Today was a long day. Had school and then work right after. Then when I came home, I ate a little bit of cantaloupe, gotta love that stuff. After my little snack...INSANITY. I was a little sore through out the day today because of day1. Tomorrow I will probably be extra sore. day2 was mostly cardio and I did better than I thought, could have done better though. Sweating a lot more tonight though, man. I can't wait to hit the shower. Read a little about Ninja Gaiden 3 and Resident Evil Raccoon City today. Both of them suck pretty bad according to most reviews. NG3 had bad camera angles, repetitive game play, along with the lack of limb dismemberment. Raccoon City, dumb ai, bad cover, lack of character depth, and sketchy game play. I was looking forward to Raccoon City pretty bad, but now I am completely turned off. Also read a little about ppl hacking the dlc characters out of Street fighter X Tekken. lulz. GO BUY A SHIRT or give me ideas for new shirts. SHIRTSSS Hittin the showers ppl. Hey
raccoon city,
resident evil,
Monday, March 19, 2012
So I started the insanity work out, I just finished the first day work out. It was simple exercises and stretches. My legs are pretty sore but I am content with today. It was called the Fit Test, just to test out what I can do. I think that the Fit Test is done once a week. Tomorrow is a pretty busy day, so I don't really know how I'm going to fit in tomorrows work out. We'll see though. Hey
Friday, March 16, 2012
getting ready
so its getting closer to monday, and i am going to start this crazy insanity work out. I am getting excited, so much motivation to do this. not much else to say, work was okay today. Diablo 3 got a release date so thats cool. Next tuesday should be a little exciting, ninja gaiden3, raccoon city, and... dunno something else. Going to be exciting to get my hands on that resident evil. the guy from the show Lie to Me is such a troll, man he makes me smile. Woot, hey
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Yo world. Couple of days ago I decided that on a decision that is going to change my life!.. Yea. Not sure if I'm going to document the events of this decision just yet. But with any luck I should be able to start this on Monday, at least its what I want to do. Screw it I am going to document it. A few days ago a friend told me about this work out called INSANITY so I looked up and holy crap is it kinda crazy. So I got the motivation to actually try this work out. It is suppose to be 60 days of nothing but madness and pain. (sounds like my sex life..zing!) just kidding..maybe. SO when I start this I want to try to post on this blog every day about what I did, what I ate, and how I am feeling. I am very excited about this, which is not something I can say very often. But we will see.
OH by the way, got my hands on the new Naruto game! Naruto Shippudden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations. Its pretty sweet.
Here is the link to the INSANITY site.
Click here for pain
hot dogs,
mass effect 3,
mr cuddles,
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
mass effect 3
So the midnight launch of Mass Effect 3 was last night. I bought the game, and I even went to the midnight launch. I don't really know why I went to the midnight launch. I haven't played the first or second everyone and their cat have played these games and say that they are great. Now I don't doubt they are but we'll see how this goes. Now going but what I already is pretty much lost and you are trying save the galaxy...I think that in the end you will save everything and everyone will be happy. This is what I think will happen, BUT I really want to happen is...I want Shepard to completely fail. I want him to fail at saving the galaxy and earth. Everything he has done = pointless. That would truly be a great end to such a popular game. Oh by the way, three new shirts up. so check em out.
youtube shirt
keep calm shirt
keep calm shirt(black text)
Saturday, March 3, 2012
shiRt Time!
YO there is a pair of new shirts up. Go get them at redbubble.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
I am watching Jurassic Park, I have never seen this movie. At least not in one sitting. I remember seeing bits and pieces when I was younger. I am going to commit the time and actually sit here and watch the whole thing. The movie is not bad. It makes me want to watch the other 2, just to see how the story continues...or I will probably just look up the story plot to them. So Ive been thinking about making a shirt with the ship from futurama...but dont know what to do with it. O yea! I got my hands on a Playstation Vita the other day. It is a pretty nice piece of equipment. 2 analog sticks, front touch screen, rear touch screen. wifi and a wifi/3g version. This thing is a freaking beast. I guess you can play your playstation 3 games on the vita. wow. hey
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Yo world, off work early today. Kinda cool I guess. I work all next week though so I better enjoy today...meaning I'll sit at home all day and be sad tomorrow. THat is how my week goes. I am getting really sleepy and very tired. To those that read this from time to time, I AM STILL WORKING ON THE STAR WARS SHIRT FROM LONG AGO. I have not forgotten about it. Just have not had the time to really put into it. I got a personal request from a friend off of facebook for a shirt. I think I am going to take a graffiti approach to it. Try to do his name in some type of graffiti style. Haven't done anything like that yet. We will see though. I'm open to suggestions and different opinions. I think my left butt cheek fell asleep, that's okay though. Pretty much it for now. Hey
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
shirt 10.0
Hey world, got 2 shirts our for ya. THe shirts are about Ness the character from earthbound/super smash bros. It was an idea out of nowhere. My friends and I liked to joke around about the whole P + Ness(pic). Check it out. There are plenty of colors available. Hey
Here is the shirt with black text. Click HERE
Here is the shirt with white text. Click HERE
super smash bros
holy balls
So i just found out about this site called eyehandy This site shows how to do all kinds of things. The videos are really well done and very informative. There are videos from how to cook brownies to how to record gameplay on your xbox. Battery is about to die, gtg. Hey
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Long day today, work has been good the past two days. This means that something bad is going to happen. I wonder what conan will look like in ten years. I think hes a pretty cool guy. I want the new circle pad pro for the 3ds. Wanna check out that resident evil revelations. Not to mention the new naruto is going to be freaking sweet. Havent touched any of my shirt projects, man I want to get back to that really bad. I just have not had time. School has been getting to me, its starting to get over whelming. Hopefully I can make some time and get back to those. This show called Delocated seems pretty funny. its on adult swim..well i should hit the sack..."you guys know how to post videos to facebook?" love that commercial. hey
Thursday, February 2, 2012
So I have gone through all of my posts and have deleted any vulgar and disgusting language. Hopefully google is cool with this and gives me my ads back. IF YOU SEE ADS ON THE BLOG, CLICK ON THEM AND SUPPORT MY DEPRESSION BY SUPPORTING MY SPONSORS THAT ARE SUPPORTING MY LACK OF SUPPORT OF MY DEPRESSION. I dont like Drew Barrymore(???spelled wrong???). GTG hey
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
So I found out that some of my previous posts may contain some vulgar and and adult related things. Google is not so fond of this, SO Ive decided to go back and edit all my posts. Where ever there is a bad word, I will replace it with a random word. We'll see how this turns out. By the way go but a freaking shirt you lazy piece of dirty carpet juice. Hey
crying babies,
mr cuddles,
skyward sword,
Thursday, January 26, 2012
yo world what is going on? im waiting for my class to start i have about a half hour. Should do something more productive, I really don't like the keyboards in this class room. The douchebag is here yet. During the first couple days of class he took the wheel chair guys seat. How the hell can you take the wheel chair guys seat. Then what he said to the wheel chair guy was priceless, "I'm just mixing it up, ya know." What a watermeloning doughbag, he just walked in and now we are going to start the douchie day. Now he's complaining about defragging his computer and how its taking to long, that process is suppose to take a long time. Oh man, anyways. I read a little about a rumor that microsoft might put some tech in their next gen system that will not allow the system to play used games. I dont agree with that, I only buy used games. Hey Link here
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Hey everyone(few ppl that actually read this) I changed my mind about the darth vader shirt. I want to make sure it just right. SO that will be done later. BUT I did put up another shirt. Check it out. I think its cool. It involves a younger more kiddish version of the grim reaper. Here's the link. Hey its.time...shirt
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Just in case anybody who actually reads this stuff: If you dont look at my twitter (twitter) or facebook(Facebook). The next shirt that I will be working on is going to involve this pic
darth vader,
mr cuddles,
star wars,
SO as I was saying in my last post. Guy in the bathroom tearing it up. As I was finishing my stop at the tinkle station the guy comes out of the stall. AND BOOM its the douchebag guy from two of my classes. THen we made eye contact for a split second. At that moment is when poo hit the fan, because since we made eye contact we both knew what he had done. Next we washed our hands in awkward silence then walked to class. I purposely took a little longer to wash my hands so we wouldn't have to walk to class together. SO during class we made eye contact through out the professor's lecture. I knew that every time we made eye contact we both were thinking about what he had done in that poor defenseless bathroom stall. WHat a weird school day. As for the rest of the day...can't remember what really happened.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Hey there, it has been quite a while since I posted on here, but here I am and lets begin. Ugh..hate me life hate me life. haha. banana you its funny. I tricked the uScan at a store today. Ha sweet. Anybody else think that Avril Lavigne is hot? Eh she's okay I guess. SO I was thinking about this whole SOPA thing. I am against SOPA and enjoy my freedoms. I signed the google petition against it. School has been going okay so far. Except for the douche bag that is in two of my classes. We will call him the Hairy Bald Guy. I went into the bathroom to take my usual pee before class. Then hear some grunting and pushing and some slight farting..Something just came up ill have to finish this later.
mr cuddles,
Monday, January 16, 2012
finally got around to making as facebook, if anyone cares click here for facebook By the way i am still working on that one shirt that i talked about having to do with star wars. just need more time. Hey
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
So got an idea about halo reach, and some armor lock. did two versions of it.
Black Lettering Version
White Lettering version
Black Lettering Version
White Lettering version
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Well I was playing some skyrim the other day(like most of the world) and i got a tshirt idea. I quickly got to work on it, and by quickly i mean after another two hours of playing skyrim. Here is the link to the skyrim idea shirt Click Here for shirt(and imaginary bacon). Let me know what you think. When I get to another computer I'll put up a picture of the design. Hey
Saturday, January 7, 2012
So this came out of no where and i quickly got an idea for a simple and easy shirt. check it out. Pick your color.
I'd Hit that shirt
I'd Hit that shirt
Hey everyone, its been a while since I have found myself here. Still working on my second shirt design. To be honest, I haven't had a chance to work on it in a couple of days. I think I am going to look for a new job, I need the money and everything is just munchy. Losing hope on this shirt again. I love food. I have not done anything productive today. I have been messing around with this stupid mp3 player that belongs to a friend. Its a sansa clip+ and I am having trouble with getting a sd card to work with it. Really making me mad. Haven's seen the hornytreestump in quite some time. Wonder what she's up to. Looking forward to some games coming out this year...Final Fantasy 13-2 is really tempting, but I couldnt stay awake during the first one. Eh. Mass Effect 3 looks cool, didn't play the previous ones...I was slightly interested in that Tintin movie game, then I read a review on it and got bad reviews. MAN I miss Vanquish. That was a badass game, cant wait to get that game when it goes for like 5 bucks. I saw a video the other day that really got me thinking how stupid the people of this country really are..Now I'm not saying I am a flipping genius, because I know I am not. This video was about a guy interviewing random people in New York City about the upcoming election. about 80 percent of the people didn't know who was running, or just picked the more attractive person(the interviewer had a printout of who is running). Then when asked about the war, the majority of people didn't know if we were still at war or not. Watching the video made me kinda mad, but I laughed at the same time. Hey
Monday, January 2, 2012
So...I've been working on the second shirt picture. BUT like everything else I do..I am slowly losing the motivation to continue it. I absolutely hate the fact that I get unmotivated so easily. I have never been able to stay motivated for anything. Now...i am going to go to sleep, thought about giving up on this whole t shirt thing. Hey
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